Built a secure, university-exclusive marketplace for students to buy, sell, and access resources like textbooks and services.
Promoted sustainability by reducing waste through item resale within the student community.
Ensured data privacy by encrypting user information and storing posts in MongoDB, with images efficiently managed via AWS S3.
Developed a responsive platform using Flask for the back-end and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the front-end.
📍 Toronto, Canada
February 2024
Volunteered at ElleHacks to assist in event organization, collaborating closely with organizers and hackers alike.
Participating in this event helped me learn organizational skills and the importance of compassion, teamwork, and making a positive impact in my community.
National Guard Hospital
📍 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
October 2022
Participated in a simulated medical emergency scenario aimed at evaluating the response time of emergency services to an earthquake-affected area.
Engaging in this activity provided me with valuable insights into the pivotal role of technology within the medical domain.